
Call for nominations for the Yoshida Award (FY2025)

The Oceanographic Society of Japan (JOS) is soliciting nominations for the Yoshida Award established in 2022 to commemorate the late Professor Kozo Yoshida for his pioneering research on ocean upwelling.

The Yoshida Award is granted to a researcher in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the advancement of ocean upwelling research, broadly defined, including physical, chemical, and biological phenomena and their effects on climate and ecosystems. JOS membership is not required for nominees, while lead nominators must be members of JOS. Nomination by a group including a non-JOS member is acceptable.

Nominations are considered by the Yoshida Award Selection Committee, which selects one finalist for approval by JOS Council.

Recommendations must be written in English or Japanese and should include the followings:

–            The nominee’s full name and affiliation

–            The nominee’s research subject

–            Description of the nominee’s research achievements

–            List of the nominee’s key publications

–            The nominator’s full name, affiliation, and e-mail address

–            Signature of the nominator and the nomination date

Nomination form (Microsoft-Word) can be downloaded from the following link.


Yosida Award Nomination Form


Please also send a short curriculum vitae and a list of publications of the nominee, both as editable Microsoft-Word files attached to an e-mail.

We welcome nominations of female candidates.

Please send the nomination package by e-mail to jos@mynavi.jp [Subject: Nominations for the FY2025 Yoshida Award of JOS]

Please make sure to set a password for the attached file and send the password in a separate e-mail.

Deadline for nominations: August 23, 2024

Selection Committee of the 2025 Yoshida Award: Mitsuo UEMATSU, Chair