This is an announcement from Editor-in-Chief of JO concerning
the new information to contributors.
Kimio Hanawa, Editor-in-Chief of JO
Information for Contributors
The Journal of Oceanography is open to all oceanographers in the world. The Journal is devoted to the publication of original articles, short contributions, reviews, and correspondence in oceanography and related fields. Submission of a manuscript will imply that it has not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. The editorial board of the Journal decides the acceptance of the manuscript on the basis of peer-reviews and is responsible for its final editing. Authors or authors’ institutions are requested to pay a publication charge of 5,000 Japanese Yen (US$ 50) per page for members of the Oceanographic Society of Japan or 7,000 Yen (US$ 70) per page for nonmembers, which, if honored, entitles them to 50 free reprints. Authors can order additional reprints, using the order form provided with proofs*. The Society, TERRAPUB and Springer reserve the copyright of all papers in the Journal.
1.. Manuscripts should be written in English.
2.. The manuscripts should be sent to one of the editors. Authors are requested to send four sets of hardcopy of each manuscript by conventional mail, or to send the manuscript electronically through the Internet**. Final version of figures should be sent to the publisher after acceptance.
3.. Color illustrations may be included at an additional charge***.
4.. Proofs and reprints: Galley proofs will be sent to the corresponding author, who checks only for printer’s errors. A reprint order form will be sent with the proofs.
5.. Preparation of the manuscript:
A. The manuscript should include the title, authors’ full names and affiliations, running title (original articles and reviews only), abstract, text, keywords (up to 10 with priority order), references, tables, and figures together with their legends. All pages must be numbered in sequence.
B. The abstract should be one paragraph and less than 250 words for original articles or reviews and less than 100 words for short contributions.
C. The manuscript should also include the title, authors’ full names and affiliations, and an abstract of less than 400 characters, all in Japanese. For non-Japanese speaking contributors, these will be supplied by the editors.
D. Manuscripts should be typed double spaced on one side of A4 or letter size white paper, including figure legends, table captions, footnotes, and references.
E. Mathematical formulae should be written with a wide space above and below each line. Systeme International (SI) units and symbols are preferred.
F. References to the published literature should be quoted in the text as follows: Richards (1965), (Richards, 1965; Richards and Broenkow, 1971). When there are more than two authors, the first author’s name and et al. can be used. All references should be listed separately in alphabetical order according to the first author’s last name. Citations must be complete according to the following examples:
Cox, R. A., M. J. McCartney and F. Culkin (1970): The specific gravity/salinity/ temperature relationship in natural sea water. Deep-Sea Res., 17, 679-689.
Sverdrup, H. U., M. W. Johnson and R. H. Fleming (1942): The Oceans: Their Physics, Chemistry and General Biology. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New York, 1087 pp.
Goldberg, E. D. (1965): Minor elements in sea water. p. 163-196. In Chemical Oceanography, Vol. 1, ed. by J. P. Riley and G. Skirrow, Academic Press, New York.
G. Each table caption should be typed above each table. Tables should be numbered in order of their appearance. Original figures should be A4 or letter size original drawings or glossy photographic prints. Figure numbers and authors’ names should be marked on the original figures. Figure legends should be listed and typed on a separate sheet.
* Prices for additional reprints (per page) are 3,500 Japanese Yen (US$35) for 50 copies, 4,000 Yen ($40) for 100 copies, 5,000 Yen ($50) for 200 copies, and 1,000 Yen ($10) for additional 100 copies over 200 copies.
** Electronic submission should be done as follows. Authors should submit their manuscript electronically as pdf-files to the editor of their choice; Microsoft Word files are acceptable for the text of the manuscript. If the manuscript is transferred unsuccessfully through the Internet, the authors will be requested to send hardcopies to the editor in charge.
*** When color pages are limited to two, the author is required to pay 25,000 Japanese Yen (US$ 250) per color page in addition to normal page charge. But when color pages exceed two, the author is required to pay 55,000 Yen (US$ 550) per color page in addition to normal page charge, which corresponds to the processing cost.