This is the first announcement concerning the subscription to the electronic version of Journal of Oceanography (JO) from 2011. The individual member comes to be able to access to each account registered on SpringerLink beforehand by using an electronic Token (kind of password). Once this certification procedure is done, the member can subscribe the JO online by logging in each account. This electronic Token will be sent to the individual member soon by E-mail from the JOS office. So, it is necessary to register a correct E-mail address of the member. Please check your address in the Membership Directory 2010 which has been sent to you last September. If your address is not found there or incorrect, please send your name and the correct address to the JOS office (
jos_address.gif) by next Tuesday, December 7. In addition, the electronic Token won’t be sent to the members who have not received hard copies of JO recently due to arrears of annual membership fees. Please pay the fee soon (by Dec.7) if you correspond to the case.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.